An easy way to create custom forms that fit your complex requirements and give you complete control over data.
Many existing third party form builders are not designed with data sovereignty in mind and don't offer options to store data where you want, or integrate with existing applications in your organization.
Do anything with your form output
We offer flexiblity where other solutions are lacking: Email it, store it in any database, generate documents. We can even develop custom functionality specific to your requirements.
Custom integration with your applications
Do you have an existing process where a form is needed? We can esily integrate an Easy Form into an existing workflow that involves other systems.
Great user experience
Easy Forms are modern and responsive, and can be styled how you want for a consistent experience across platforms.
Easy form design
Design forms easily and intuitively using our designer, and preview as you go. This puts the form design in the hands of those who know best - the product experts!
Personalized support
Because we understand you and your requirements, we offer a level of support that can't be achieved by companies with a more generic solution and larger customer base.
Control your data
Many common form solutions store output in a public cloud (e.g. Google Drive) or on their own infrastructure. With Easy Forms, you store the data wherever you want - on premise or in the cloud.
Create, view and store your form data easily using our admin area. Configure jobs and custom integration to work with your company's applications and infrastructure.
Creating your form is quick and easy with a simple drag and drop style interface.